About Us

Our Journey

Unventured has been a dream that we have pursued with our many travellers creating an experience where travel meets adventure and you have real-world experiences with a softer impact. We have come a long way and we have many more miles to explore along the Unventured path.

At Unventured, we are obsessed with the need to provide travellers with an offbeat real-world experience of India that will leave them amazed. We do this with the element of safety and security in mind and provide simple, but essential support to discover the Unventured – natural wealth, cultural diversity, and natural history of Incredible India, Bhutan, and South East Asia

We want to change the way people travel and experience places. We want to bring them closer to the place through interactions and closer on ground experiences that are sustainable and supports eco-tourism initiatives.

Here is a how it all began…


Smitten by the great outdoors and a penchant for travel, the cycle became the foremost choice for us. The pace of the cycle fascinated us from the beginning and this allowed us to take many an “Unventured” route to explore and discover the road less travelled. Our first long-haul expedition was to cover Manali-Leh, a total of 550km, over 5 high altitude passes in the company of friends. The mountains they say will cradle you in its arms and we long to return to that gentle embrace as often as possible.


Having completed the Manali-Leh expedition successfully, the office cubicle seemed to hold no comparison to the mountains, and obviously so. Aching to go back, we invited the same bunch of motley meanderers to go back again. They connected us to a few more of their friends who wanted to cycle the distance and plans for a second consecutive tour to the mountains were laid.


Two consecutive rides to the mountains and we were raring to go again. This time the options were endless. So much to explore, more on the bicycle, by foot, underwater and the office cubicle looked smaller by the passing day. Having run out of friends who will join us on such expeditions, we beckoned the world to join us on our travels. Unventured was captioned over dinner with friends, the website registered by the end of the meal and the logo finalized in the next 2 days. Another expedition to the mountains was planned and promptly filled, except this time it was with a bunch of strangers who all believed in taking the Unventured route.


The only way forward for Unventured now was to register as a Pvt Ltd Company. We needed directors, advisors, a finance hero –in short, a team! Friends who believed in the Unventured experience came together with new ideas, newer trails. The world really was our oyster. Trails that catered to one and all were set up, we wanted to travel and how… From single day city trails exploring the city we live in, its history, culture, and cuisine to weekend trails traversing through dense pine covered pathways. Short haul tours to Kerala and Goa. Long haul expeditions that ventured further into the mountains of Sikkim, Bhutan, Tawang, and diving in the Andamans. We garnered more than 150 travellers with us who believed in the Unventured experience and our next step ahead was to make this experience more comfortable and reliable. A fleet of 12 high-end mountain bikes were acquired by the end of the year, with 2015 paving the way for more trails and travels our very own fleet made complete sense.


A year of many firsts, we went diving, we pedalled along the Eastern Himalayan region and all the way down by the Western Ghats and further in towards the beautiful coastline of Gods own country, Kerala. We went out and travelled through spaces testing waters, but this year we were ready with a plan, i.e.: Scheduled/Calendared Tours! Our struggle was promoting these tours and building a marketplace where there are takers for adventure and experiential travel. Being a bootstrapped startup, we were stuck in a catch 22 situation. Who got us through this rough patch you may ask? It was our network of travellers who had travelled with us before. That number of 150 became 300 through word of mouth, referrals and our travellers who came back for another experience with us. As we gained some pace, we knew we were here for the long haul. Wait, we are not done just yet… We educated ourselves in wilderness first response from NOLS. An Unventured experience also means a safe experience, we are now equipped to tackle emergency situations that may arise in adventure travel.


A start of an exciting year for Unventured. As we were filling up our long-haul tours, our city trails took a turn for the better. We were rated #1 for outdoor experiences in Bangalore by TripAdvisor. This recognition was huge for us. The number of travellers taking the Unventured way of travel doubled, mostly through word of mouth and references, we had to step up if we had to sustain. That we did! We added our very first international trail–Chasing the Northern Lights. Twelve trusted travellers and their friends trailed with us to recce and see the glory of the Northern Lights. We cycled in Oslo and chased the lights closer to the Arctic circle in Tromso. That’s not all, Rajasthan was added as a destination to our kitty of trails through India. The beauty that our country had to offer through its hospitality, colour, and glorious past had us spellbound. We believe this is just the start of our adventures and we have many more miles to pedal. We can’t wait to show you the world, the Unventured way…


This year is special because of the success of our long-haul tours or the city trails picking up and running full sprint ahead. Being a bootstrapped startup, this year we were at our highest payroll so far, 6 full-time paid employees, a home/office set up, hiring freelancers to lead our city tours and adding newer international destinations, a recce of another city to add to our day tours. When travellers ask us, where were you last? We have quite a story to tell them. Looking back at 2017, it feels like a whirlwind. The last few months of 2017 had us adding Srilanka to our list of long-haul international cycling destinations. This year we have South East Asia on our map. Speaking of maps, did we forget to mention that we had travellers come from 28 out of 195 countries in the world! We can’t wait to say, “Hello World!”

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  • star rating  The flower market was so vibrant and beautiful. Really felt like I was able to soak up some of the local culture. Gladys was amazing and I highly recommend!

    avatar thumb L5119YCkristinb
    11 February 2023
  • star rating  Very knowledgeable tour guide Gladys looked after us well. Great way to see the city and get a little bit of a feel for the culture, history - and... read more

    avatar thumb jkr509
    5 February 2023
  • star rating  I was very lucky being the only patron with Ajith for the morning - had a great time with as we wandered the back streets - love getting into... read more

    avatar thumb JoannaMoss
    2 February 2023
  • star rating  Excellent guiding from Ahishek, he had lots of facts and stories about Bangalore, Nandi and indeed India

    I had a great day out of the city

    avatar thumb James C
    21 January 2023
  • star rating  My daughter and I really enjoyed our time with Pallavi and learned a lot about the history of Bangalore. The markets were colorful and chaotic and we would have... read more

    avatar thumb angelabF7011WD
    20 January 2023
