Tour Intensity Levels

At Unventured our goal is to create unique offbeat experiences that engage the travellers and helps them soak in the local flavours, history, and culture of the region.

Our trails and activities can vary in its intensity based on the regions’ geographical variations in terrain, by its altitude and by the facilities and format. Some trails/activities can be more physically demanding than some others. To ensure you have a good knowledge and information about the intensity of the trail/activity, each of our trails have been graded across 3 levels of intensity.

NOTE: Our trail/activity intensity grading is only an indicator of the intensity levels. Always request for more information and ensure you speak to one of our representative who will interact with you to understand your physical abilities and suggest if the trail will be challenging and yet suitable for you.


Our high-intensity trails/activities are both physically and technically demanding. Knowledge of the activity must be at an advanced level. Duration of the activity is longer and hence more demanding.

Cycling: These will be longer duration trails suitable for people with more technical riding skills. You will be subjected to a whole day of cycling mostly with steep hilly incline sections. Distances covered can vary with the terrain and altitude of the region.

Hiking: More than 5-6 hours of hiking in a day. Distances covered can vary with the region, but the hike will be in steep inclines and not necessarily have well-paved paths.

Diving: Longer dive days with more technically demanding dive conditions. Water temperature and currents will determine the intensity of a dive tour.

Medium intensity trails/activities strike a good balance between physical activity and fun. The activity may still be longer full-day sessions, but will not be technically demanding although they can be physically demanding.

Cycling: The duration of the trail will be shorter and more suitable for people who are physically active with well-grounded basics in cycling. You may be subjected to a whole day of cycling with some hilly incline climbing sections. Distances covered can vary with the terrain and altitude of the region.

Hiking: More than 3-4 hours of hiking in a day. Distances covered can vary with the region, but the hike will involve some sections of climbing but this region will have better-paved pathways.

Diving: Diving in conditions that are physically tiring, but not technically demanding.

Our low-intensity trails/activities are ideal for beginners or individuals who are not intent on physically challenging themselves, but are keen on the Unventured way of travel, i.e. soaking in a region and all that comes with it. The activity may still be full-day sessions but can be done at a slower pace. The activity may also be spread over shorter sessions during the day.

Cycling: The duration of the trail will be shorter and suitable for people who know the basics of cycling. You may be subjected to a whole day of cycling but with a lot of breaks in between. Distances covered can vary with the terrain and altitude of the region.

Hiking: This entails more than 3-4 hours of hiking in a day. Distances covered will be very short and mostly as a activity, for example,  exploring a temple complex/ historical site / nature reserve.

Diving: All our dive sessions are either classified medium or high and will not be graded low on intensity due to the physically demanding nature of the activity.

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  • star rating  The flower market was so vibrant and beautiful. Really felt like I was able to soak up some of the local culture. Gladys was amazing and I highly recommend!

    avatar thumb L5119YCkristinb
    11 February 2023
  • star rating  Very knowledgeable tour guide Gladys looked after us well. Great way to see the city and get a little bit of a feel for the culture, history - and... read more

    avatar thumb jkr509
    5 February 2023
  • star rating  I was very lucky being the only patron with Ajith for the morning - had a great time with as we wandered the back streets - love getting into... read more

    avatar thumb JoannaMoss
    2 February 2023
  • star rating  Excellent guiding from Ahishek, he had lots of facts and stories about Bangalore, Nandi and indeed India

    I had a great day out of the city

    avatar thumb James C
    21 January 2023
  • star rating  My daughter and I really enjoyed our time with Pallavi and learned a lot about the history of Bangalore. The markets were colorful and chaotic and we would have... read more

    avatar thumb angelabF7011WD
    20 January 2023
