Travelling Responsibly

Responsible Travel Policy

Unventured is a way of life and it really began with our love for travel and discovering places. Our aim as a company is to change the way people travel and this is reflected in all stages of planning and delivering all our tours. One of the cornerstones to the Unventured way of travel is a sustainable eco-responsible way of travel.  Key ownership of travelling eco-responsible way is to empower the locals in the region by collaborating with local businesses and helping them build sustainable livelihood from tourism, educate them of the benefits of responsible travel and educate travellers about eco friendly practices that contain pollution caused by tourism.

We advocate a sustainable form of travel and also encourage fellow travellers to adopt these simple yet effective practices for a greener future and in the quest to leave no mark behind on the places we travel to. We are committed to creating a better future for the world and want to impact and influence this through responsible travel.


As a company, our expertise lies in providing “authentic” experiences of the region we travel to achieve this, we pair our travels with expert local guides along with experienced Unventured tour leaders to ensure that our travellers get the perfect balance of insider insights and attentive personal service. Another integral element of contributing to the local economy is through the accommodations we stay at, local homesteads and guest houses hosted by locals and employing the local community ensures a direct impact on the local economy. We promote and support regional artisans through market walks, engaging with local musicians with insights into the region’s cultural and artistic developments.


At Unventured, we recognise the disparity that exists between being a responsible traveller and a tourist and its impact on the environment. This disparity is an outcome of responsible practices the traveller follows as he passes through a place and enjoys it. Reduced use of plastic, avoiding bottled water, managing waste and disposing of it responsibly ensures a reduced impact on the local environment and influences the locals to also act responsibly. Using alternate modes of transport and the reduced use of chemical resources ensures a reduced carbon footprint in the region. A responsible traveller initiative by Unventured is one that connects travellers to their surroundings, seeking the “local” story, culture, norms, and guiding them toward appropriate practices and choices.

Here are some initiatives that we follow as a practice while on our tours to ensure that we are sensitive to the environment we live in and travel responsibly:

  • Not consuming bottled water on tour and instead opting for refills using RO/Filtered water.
  • Read more about our Green Initiatives.
  • Avoiding plastic straws and plastic bags on tours and responsibly disposing of plastic waste.
  • Avoid plastic disposable cutlery and glasses on tour.
  • No littering of waste while on the tour – The support vehicle will have a recyclable thrash bag and all disposables generated by the guests will be collected and disposed at once at the end of each day.
  • Supporting and complying to nationally recognised standards of ethical treatment to animals.

Propagating Responsible Travel:

All tour itineraries are personally curated and vetted by the Unventured team. Our partners – local home-stays and food stops are carefully chosen by us and ensure that they operate in a responsible manner. Our local guides sensitise our guests and provide guidelines to our guests on how to behave and what to wear in culturally sensitive places.

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  • star rating  The flower market was so vibrant and beautiful. Really felt like I was able to soak up some of the local culture. Gladys was amazing and I highly recommend!

    avatar thumb L5119YCkristinb
    11 February 2023
  • star rating  Very knowledgeable tour guide Gladys looked after us well. Great way to see the city and get a little bit of a feel for the culture, history - and... read more

    avatar thumb jkr509
    5 February 2023
  • star rating  I was very lucky being the only patron with Ajith for the morning - had a great time with as we wandered the back streets - love getting into... read more

    avatar thumb JoannaMoss
    2 February 2023
  • star rating  Excellent guiding from Ahishek, he had lots of facts and stories about Bangalore, Nandi and indeed India

    I had a great day out of the city

    avatar thumb James C
    21 January 2023
  • star rating  My daughter and I really enjoyed our time with Pallavi and learned a lot about the history of Bangalore. The markets were colorful and chaotic and we would have... read more

    avatar thumb angelabF7011WD
    20 January 2023
