Five reasons traveling to India is a life-changing experience

There are an endless amount of weekend trips and summer vacations you can take and forget except a few photos. There are few destinations in the world that can inspire beyond a vacation and create a truly life-changing experience. Travelers swear by India as a destination that goes beyond the norm and opens your soul to something entirely new. Particularly for western travelers, India is so far outside of what is known, a truly immersive experience in India culture, tradition, and incredible landscapes is unforgettable.


From travelers and local themselves, here is why traveling to India is a life-changing experience:


You experience a culture like no other on earth:

India is vast and has been home to an unbelievable amount of dynasties, civilizations, and nations mixing. It has a rich history that has permeated every region. There is a layering of tradition and history that has created many unique local cultures across India to explore. Wherever you travel in India, you will be able to experience multiple cultural and religious influences. Overall, India evokes a feeling of beautiful and planned chaos that fosters and supports the seamless cultural mix that exists today. No where else in the world is that so prominent. On all of our tours, we stay, eat, and learn local to experience culture the right way and support and preserve what makes India unique.

You see ancient religions thrive:

Many of the ancient civilizations of India have influenced how our world works today. The religious of these civilizations are still prominent in India and their timeless lessons are adopted by people across the world. India has influences of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity throughout that all have their own unique history within India that you can still physically experience. Ancient Hindu temples dot the country and Buddhist monasteries sit high in the Himalayas, all offering travelers the opportunity to experience ancient religion firsthand. Our Chasing the Monsoon bike tour explores the temple of the goddess of wisdom high in India’s Western Ghats.


You experience ancient civilization first hand:

India is one of the world’s cradles of civilization. Many of the civilizations that once thrived in India have their influence in religion, technology, architecture, and societies of today. Across India, you can experience what these civilizations were like firsthand and see where who we are today began. Ancient ruins of temples, forts, and entire cities from various dynasties and cultural groups cover India to tell the story. You can walk through ancient walls and palaces as well as visit ancient temples that are still used today. India is very much a bridge between the past and future; a unique place on earth where history is still very much a part of the daily life of today. On the Spiti Valley bike tour, we visit ancient monasteries and stay in homestays that still function exactly as they did in antiquity. It’s an intimate, learning experience unlike any other trip and destination. India is actually home to a few UNESCO world heritage sites that encompass the world history that India is home to.

You experience unique, amazing cuisine:

Worldwide, India is known for the unique and amazing cuisine. Indian food is loved for its strong spices and its ancient healing properties that people across the world use. When you visit India, it’s a completely different and the cuisine is very much part of your overall experience. Every 200 km across India, the cuisine and local culture completely changes, that’s how diverse the country is. India’s varying terrain creates growing conditions for unique spices and ingredients that cultures have taken advantage of. During our tour through Karnataka in the Western Ghats, we actually stay at spice and coffee plantations and experience the production and cuisine of the region hands on with local hosts.


You see some of the most unique wildlife and terrain on earth:

India is vast and is home to many different ecosystems and climates. If you’re high in the Himalayas, you will experience an entirely different view, weather, wildlife, and daily life than on the beaches of Goa. This is why India is home to biodiversity hotspots like the Western Ghats and the Eastern Himalayas. With this, comes some incredible views and wildlife that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. On our Chasing the Monsoon tour through the Western Ghats, we visit wildlife reserves to visit animals like the King Cobra in person. On the Eastern Himalaya bike tour, we experience incredible views of the world’s highest mountain range and it’ varying climates at different levels.

Our goal at Unventured is a truly life changing experience start to finish that encompasses what makes India magical. Explore all of the options for travel through India here.

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  • star rating  The flower market was so vibrant and beautiful. Really felt like I was able to soak up some of the local culture. Gladys was amazing and I highly recommend!

    avatar thumb L5119YCkristinb
    11 February 2023
  • star rating  Very knowledgeable tour guide Gladys looked after us well. Great way to see the city and get a little bit of a feel for the culture, history - and... read more

    avatar thumb jkr509
    5 February 2023
  • star rating  I was very lucky being the only patron with Ajith for the morning - had a great time with as we wandered the back streets - love getting into... read more

    avatar thumb JoannaMoss
    2 February 2023
  • star rating  Excellent guiding from Ahishek, he had lots of facts and stories about Bangalore, Nandi and indeed India

    I had a great day out of the city

    avatar thumb James C
    21 January 2023
  • star rating  My daughter and I really enjoyed our time with Pallavi and learned a lot about the history of Bangalore. The markets were colorful and chaotic and we would have... read more

    avatar thumb angelabF7011WD
    20 January 2023
