Cancellation Policy


Booking confirmation is based on a payment made to Unventured Expeditions Pvt. Ltd. You can choose from 1

  • City Trails: 100% payment towards the a trial/ activity at-least 24 hours before the start of the trail
  • Weekend & Extended Getaway’s: 100% payment towards the atrial/ activity at-least 24 hours before the start of the trail
  • Long Haul Tours: A non-refundable deposit of 50% of the tour price per person is required to confirm your booking for all long durations tours. The balance of the tour price is payable to Unventured Expeditions, 30 days prior to departure.  If you are booking fewer than 30 days prior to departure the full amount is payable.


  • By the tour operator: When you book your holiday with us it is in the understanding that, you accept the itinerary as an outline that may change to account for ground realities on the tour.  Unventured operates some trails in regions that are remote and cut away from civilization, where unpredictable weather conditions, landslides and other disruptions may need to be accommodated. You must be prepared to be flexible and agree change arrangements where necessary.  This will however be made in the best interest of the safety and security of the tour group and will be made by the tour leader working together in consultation with the participants. No refunds will be given for any unused services as a result of alterations by the tour operator
  • By the Participants: Unless in a situation of emergency no participant requests to change the tour itinerary will be entertained.


If it becomes necessary for you to cancel your tour, you must notify UNVENTURED EXPEDITIONS immediately in writing. On receipt of your written advice, cancellation will take effect. Refund policies can vary with each format of our tours

City Trails:

  • All cancellations will warrant a Rs100 deduction as transaction charges upon receipt of written advice for cancellation. Remainder amount will be refunded to the customer.
  • Cancellations and bookings made 5 days before the departure for the Treasures of Nandi Trail requesting a cancellation and refund will warrant a 50% refund only

Weekend & Extended Getaways (2 – 5 days):

  • 100% refund if cancellation is made 15 days before the start date of the trail.
  • 50% refund if cancellation is made within 15 days and 7 days before the start date of the trail.
  • Cancellation within 7 days before the start date of the trail will be addressed on a case to case basis. We will have the best interest of the guest in offering refunds while not penalising our partners and vendors.

Long Haul Tours (6+ Days): 

  • All Long haul tours will warrant a 50% cancellation fee post sign-up.
  • No refund will be made 15 days prior to the date of departure.


We will not cancel your booking unless:

  • We are forced to do so by circumstances beyond our control, such as war civil and political unrest, or “force majeure”. Cancellations and refunds in such a situation will be based on the proximity of the tour start date and may warrant a deduction in the advance paid out.
  • The minimum number of people (six) needed to operate the tour has not been reached. Under these circumstances participants will have a choice of opting for a tour on another date or take a full refund.

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  • star rating  The flower market was so vibrant and beautiful. Really felt like I was able to soak up some of the local culture. Gladys was amazing and I highly recommend!

    avatar thumb L5119YCkristinb
    11 February 2023
  • star rating  Very knowledgeable tour guide Gladys looked after us well. Great way to see the city and get a little bit of a feel for the culture, history - and... read more

    avatar thumb jkr509
    5 February 2023
  • star rating  I was very lucky being the only patron with Ajith for the morning - had a great time with as we wandered the back streets - love getting into... read more

    avatar thumb JoannaMoss
    2 February 2023
  • star rating  Excellent guiding from Ahishek, he had lots of facts and stories about Bangalore, Nandi and indeed India

    I had a great day out of the city

    avatar thumb James C
    21 January 2023
  • star rating  My daughter and I really enjoyed our time with Pallavi and learned a lot about the history of Bangalore. The markets were colorful and chaotic and we would have... read more

    avatar thumb angelabF7011WD
    20 January 2023
