What’s Happening at Unventured

At Unventured our last tour was in the first week of March, local city tours in Bengaluru and Mysuru. We have in the interest of all our team members, partners and support staff suspended all tours as below

  • CITY TOURS:                                                30th June 2020
  • LONG DURATION GUIDED TOURS:     30th September 2020
  • CUSTOM/PRIVATE TOURS:                    31st July, 2020

Our office has been shut before the implementation of the lockdown from 15th March 2020 and will remain shut until 31st May, 2020. While the local government has eased restrictions and allowed opening of offices, we believe it is critical that the health of all our staff members is more important.
The team however has been very resilient and optimistic, they are very keen and looking forward to get out and lead tours as soon as it is deemed safe.

We have constantly been in touch with all our partners, vendors across homestay owners and other operators in the industry to monitor the situation. Check on their health, on their economic situation given their dependency on tourism to support and sustain families. This is a difficult time and one that is financially burdening the business and all our partners. We are operating in survival mode but thinking revival of travel. As part of that effort we are helping showcase many of our partners, their properties and feature them and people making a difference. We are working hard to help bring back economic support for them through our travels.

At the core, Unventured came to life to celebrate, travel, explore places, support local communities, share our knowledge of regions and help change the way people travel. We have taken 3 key initiatives during this DOWNTIME in keeping to our values and our strengths:

1. #VirtualTours

A series of social media and email campaigns together with webinar sessions to bring travellers closer to regions through rich stories, history, cultural insights and travel videos. We know that many of our travellers are keen to get out and travel many of you were looking forward to some of our Himalayan tours you had planned with us, unfortunately that was not to be. We are now bringing destinations to travellers, with rich culture history and stories of regions of places, local way of life, foods and many memories form our past travels.

2. New Experiences

Over the last 2 decades members of team Unventured have travelled the expanse of India and the world, we are now spending time to bring you more richer cultural experiences from places, much more immersive and experiential in nature. We are taking to experiential journeys, this can be on bike tours, treks and on drive based tours across several states of India. Look out for new tour announcements coming soon!

3. Reunion Time!

Being stuck at home is NOT a pleasant experience for anyone, the lockdown seen globally has made it a great time for us to re-connect with past customers and relive memories from our past adventures. We’ve been bringing together team members on virtual meetings, remembering the crazy adventures and the fun time.


At Unventured, we’ve always been obsessed with the safety of our travellers and our crew and team. Now we are also becoming conscious of the safety of the people in the regions we travel to. While there is a still a long way to go in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, we are very happy and glad to report that the 3 countries we currently operate in have had much lower impact from Corona virus as opposed to Europe and North America.
Keeping to our safety, we’ve cancelled:

  • CITY TOURS:                                             30th June 2020
  • LONG DURATION GUIDED TOURS:     30th September 2020
  • CUSTOM/PRIVATE TOURS:                  31st July, 2020

We are working on a detailed travel SOP and Do’s and Don’ts for our staff, our partners, crewmembers, properties we travel to and most importantly for our customers.

Scheduled Tours Expected to Run

  1. Eastern Himalayan Hike n Bike Tour: 10 -23 November, 2020
  2. Southern Spice Trail: 31 Oct – 13 November, 2020
  3. God’s Own Kerala Bike Tour: 7 – 15 November, 2020
  4. Susegad Goa Bike Tour: 21 – 29 November 2020
  5. Rajasthan Bike Tour: 5 -15 December, 2020
  6. Hampi and Badami Bike Adventure: 24 – 29 December, 2020

Talk to us if you intend to join any of our tours or better still wish to travel with your own, known circle of friends and family. We have revised our cancellation and booking policies to make them flexible. This ensures you don’t have to worry about the developments with government policies on travel and also the spread of COVID-19. We will ensure you are safe and so is your money with us.


NOT everything we do is inspired by MONEY or ECONOMIC Benefits

These are trying times and we wish to reach out and engage with our travellers

Unventured loves to travel and loves to inspire people to travel. Write to us at get@unventured.com for any of your travel requirements, advice, suggestions and latest updates we can get you from our local partners in the region.


  • Travel for shorter getaways
  • Travel actively hiking or taking to bicycle travel
  • Travel to nature and outdoors
  • Travel to remote homestays
  • Book the whole homestay for yourself
  • Travel in your own groups of friends and family (Private Groups)
